Fill out the passenger or group travel form and provide the contact details for any accompanying travelers.
Fishing permits, accommodation information such as door code and arrival details are automatically sent to the email addresses provided in the notification.
If you need to edit a previously made notification, please contact. [email protected].
Accommodation provider:
Läsäkosken Kartano Oy
Business ID: 2442964-5
Address: Tukkilahdentie 70, 51430 Läsäkoski
The information you provide will be used to manage and inform you about your booking.
Read more about the use and management of data in Läsäkosken Kartano oy’s Customer Data Register
Läsäkosken Kartano is founded on values centered around the respect for natural trout and its environment. Läsäkoski supports and studies the natural trout population and practices sustainable fishing.